Frequently Asked Questions

General FAQs

What does Black Remote She offer to the community?

A variety of resources are available to community members at Black Remote She. Learn more about those resources below:

  • Sign up for the free email course for job seekers

  • Visit the community-driven job board for open positions in the Black Remote She network

  • Check out the resource hub with quarterly resource roundups and career development materials

  • Submit an anonymous review to our community partner inside voices to share your current or former employer’s track record with DEI

How can we stay engaged with Black Remote She?

Join the bi-weekly newsletter and Facebook Group and follow Black Remote She on LinkedIn, Instagram, Mastodon, and Facebook.

Can I schedule a call to learn more about Black Remote She?

To honor capacity, calls with general questions about our platform are limited. However, if you have specific questions or needs, please reach out at Based on the nature of your email, it will be determined if a follow up call is a necessary next step or resources will be extended to you via email.

Job Seekers FAQs

I would like to report one of the employers on the job board. How can I submit a community report?

If you would like to submit a community report about an employer posted to the job board, please fill out a community report submission form to submit a brief list of your concerns, including references (accountability call-outs, lawsuits, personal experiences, etc.). You are also welcome to provide a link to a voice note or Loom screenshare, which you can delete afterwards.

Are community reports confidential?

Yes, community reports are confidential, anonymous, and reviewed by our founder. We never share the name or association of community reports with employers.

What happens after submitting a community report?

After submitting a community report, you will receive an email response (if applicable) to confirm receipt of your report and alert you when the employer is removed from the job board.

Questions about our Posting Process

How big is your community?

We have a growing community with up to 10K users on our platform each month. Additionally, we have a newsletter with 2000+ subscribers with a 52.5% average open rate (OR) and 16.9% average click-through-rate (CTR).

Is it required to be an annual member to post jobs to Black Remote She?

No, it is not a requirement to be an annual member to post jobs to Black Remote She. There are also individual posting options available on the platform.

Do you also accept temporarily remote or hybrid-based positions?

Yes! When you complete our job submission form, there is an option to select the relevant remote components of the position (i.e. fully remote, mostly remote, temporarily remote, hybrid, etc.).

How long do job postings remain on the website?

Job postings do not expire* on Black Remote She. However, if your organization has an unreported discriminatory complaint and/or receives a discriminatory complaint after posting to our website, the position(s) will be removed, but will not be refunded.

*Job postings can be removed if requested by the employer due to the role being closed or filled. All other job postings will be labeled as closed after the deadline or once the role is reported as filled.

I selected Add Job to Cart, but I can’t find my cart. Where can I complete my order?

After you add your job(s) to the cart, check the bottom right of your screen for a purple cart to complete your order.

Our job posting budget is limited. Do you offer nonprofit discounts or are there other posting options for reaching your community of job seekers?

We don’t offer discounts for job postings, but we do have a Facebook Group with 500+ community members. Job postings in our FB Group are still vetted with our usual vetting process, but you will be alerted if your postings aren’t approved.

If you are a Black, queer, or trans-led organization with a limited budget, please email to discuss other social media posting options.

I need to make an edit to my job posting. How can I do this through your platform?

Please email with the requested updates and we will manually make the update to your job posting.

How can I view applicants and metrics for my job postings on Black Remote She?

Because we link our community directly to you, there isn’t a way to view or track applicants or metrics within the Black Remote She platform. Community members will use the application link provided in your job submission to learn more and apply for your position.

If you’re interested in tracking incoming applicants from your job postings on Black Remote She, we recommend using a referral link or other tracking parameters to monitor submissions from our community.

Questions about our Vetting Process

Can my job posting to be declined?

Yes, all job opportunities submitted to Black Remote She are vetted before sharing with our community. Learn more about our vetting process here.

If you’re concerned about your work culture meeting our requirements, please email for a more detailed vetting process.

Please Note: Job postings submitted with unreported discriminatory complaints will be removed immediately and will not be refunded.

Can you explain more about your policy for removing job postings?

Transparency is crucial for keeping Black Remote She safe for our community of job seekers. If you are already aware of reports of harm inflicted on former or current employees, please reach out first. Even if your job posting is denied, you will never be turned away from other helpful resources and networks. However, it takes accountability and transparency for this process to be effective.

How can we prepare for your vetting process?

You are encouraged to check your former employee reviews before posting to Black Remote She. If it isn’t already a habit to monitor former employee feedback, it is strongly encouraged to implement this routine in your regular operations.

At Black Remote She’s discretion, your job posting will be denied if there are unreported concerns about your organization. If your job posting is submitted prior to reaching out for a longer vetting process and/or we find or learn of any unreported discriminatory complaints, your job posting will be denied and will not be refunded. This is our policy to protect the well-being and safety of our community. 

What happens to the money we spent for our posting if it’s denied and nonrefundable?

Our top priority is to help you improve your current work culture. Your job posting will be used as a donation to Black Remote She and your contribution will be reinvested to pay for the labor necessary to connect you with other helpful resources or networks to help you expand your team.

If our job posting is denied, is it possible to post again in the future?

If we see you take action towards implementing necessary changes, including, but not limited to taking accountability, investing in a DEI partnership, implementing employee feedback, or other actionable responses to making changes at your workplace, you may be considered for future posting opportunities at Black Remote She. 

However, at Black Remote She’s discretion, lack of accountability, severity of community reports, and lack of transparency will also be considered in deciding not to engage further with your company.

What happens if our organization has former discriminatory complaint(s), but have since made policy and/or staff changes and invested in ongoing commitments to diversity, equity, and inclusion?

Please email to participate in a more detailed vetting process. Approved employers may be offered an initial partnership with a 6-12 month review period to determine continued partnership. However, if you are not approved, you will receive a list of recommendations with our partner organizations to help you along your journey of improving your work culture.

Questions about our Annual Membership

Is it required to be an annual member to post jobs to Black Remote She?

No, it is not a requirement to be an annual member to post jobs to Black Remote She. There are individual posting options available on the platform here.

If I joined your annual membership, how should I submit job postings?

If you are an existing annual member, please visit our Annual Member Hub to submit your job postings.

What are the requirements to receive an invitation to renew our annual membership?

We will conduct a performance review, which includes, but isn’t limited to:

  • Sharing job openings with equitable wages and accessibility options

  • No unreported or active* discriminatory complaints

  • Year-round support of Black, Indigenous, POC, and LGBTQI+ communities in investments, programming, and opportunities

*Active discriminatory complaints includes complaints during the length of your annual membership.

I’m interested in becoming an annual member to support the Black Remote She platform, but transparently, our organization isn’t eligible to post jobs based on the vetting process. Is there another option for our organization?

Yes, our Fund the Work annual membership option offers all perks listed above (except job postings and annual member mixers) to support Black Remote She throughout the year.

Do you have additional questions? Email