Q4 Resource Roundup (2024)

Please Note: This list will continue to be updated with opportunities and resources throughout the remainder of the year. If you’d like to submit upcoming grants, gender affirming resources, or other funding opportunities, send an email to info@blackremoteshe.com.

Last Updated: September 21, 2024

Originally published: September 20, 2024

Upcoming Fellowships & Funds

(including reminders of upcoming deadlines from our Q3 resource list)

October Deadlines

November Deadlines

December Deadlines

Rolling Deadlines

Gender Affirming Resources & Networks

October Deadlines

Last Updated: September 20, 2024

  • Black Trans Travel Fund's book sponsorship program is a program developed for Black trans women to be able to receive free copies of literature each month. The program relaunches on October 1, 2024. Learn more and request free book copies here.

  • Craft Research Fund Grants award up to $15,000 to support new and interdisciplinary research about craft in the United States. The deadline to apply is October 4, 2024. Learn more and apply here.

  • Trans Trust Funds (TTF) is a program for transgender and gender expansive youth of color who are high school (junior & senior) and early college age (16 years old - 24 years old) in the South (FL, GA, SC, NC, VA, KY, TN, AL, MS, LA, AR, TX) focused on financial wellness from a trauma informed and anti-Capitalist lens. All transgender and/or gender expansive youth of color can apply regardless of documentation or financial status. TTF is a 6 month program from October 2024 - March 2025. Participants will meet on the second Saturday of each month. This may be subject to change if there is a holiday that falls on that Saturday or if the majority of the cohort cannot meet on that Saturday. Cohort members will be paid up to $599 for their participation in TTF. The deadline is extended to October 5, 2024 at 11:59pm EST. Learn more and apply here.

  • The LACE Lighting Fund is an annual grant for artists and artist-driven organizations, projects, and publications. This year, LACE will award 10 artist project grants in the amount of $6,000 to LA County residents that are at least 18 years of age and are not currently enrolled in a college program. LACE is also accepting applicants for the Jacki Apple Fund, supporting one LA-based mid- or late-career artist with a $10,000 grant for work resulting in performance, media, exhibition, and/or publication within one year of the award. One artist will be selected through the Lightning Fund application process for this honor. The deadline to apply is October 6, 2024. Learn more and apply here.

  • The Echoing Green Fellowship seeks leaders who bring deep knowledge and passion to designing solutions with and for their communities. Fellows are lifelong members of Echoing Green’s community and work across issue areas to advance equity, including education, climate justice, human rights, health, and more. Echoing Green Fellows receive capital in the form of a $100,000 stipend, capacity-building support, and a community to support them on their entrepreneurial journey. Applications are due by 2:00 PM (14:00) EDT on Tuesday, October 8, 2024. Learn more and apply here.

  • Pride Foundation Community Grant Program is open to organizations with 501(c)(3) status or fiscal sponsorship based in Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington. Priority organizations are BIPOC and TGNC-led grassroots organizations. The deadline to apply is October 11, 2024. Learn more and apply here.

  • The Leaders of Color Fellowship is a leadership development program for Black, Indigenous and people of color leaders who are committed to the advancement of cultural equity in the arts. During this no cost eight-month fellowship, fellows receive access to specialists in the field, strategic learning objectives determined to deepen thought on anti-racist and culturally-oriented leadership practices, and national-level network and cohort building. The program sessions are held online from December 2024 through June 2025. Upon completion of this program, participants are granted alumni status and have opportunities to collaborate with the USRAO in their region as advisors, funding Application Reviewers, and/or other professional capacities. NEFA has established a one-time award of $1000 to LoCF Alumni for further support of their professional development. The deadline to apply is October 13, 2024. Learn more and apply here.

November Deadlines

Last Updated: September 20, 2024

  • To The End anthology aims to explore the full depth and breadth of divorce narratives from queer, trans, non-binary, two-spirit, genderfluid, gay, lesbian, bisexual, and intersex writers. Contributors will be paid for their work and will receive copies of the book. The extended deadline to apply is November 20, 2024. Learn more and apply here.

  • Black and Beyond Binary Collective Housing Safety Fund is now accepting applications to support significantly marginalized individuals currently struggling with housing security and/or safety. Applications will be accepted from September - November.

December Deadlines

Last Updated: September 20, 2024

  • The Trans Health Advocacy Program, a part of Kentucky Health Justice Network, is accepting applications to support Trans Kentuckians seeking gender affirming surgeries. The only requirement for eligibility funding is that you have completed a consultation with a surgeon and are a KY resident. Applications for this cycle close December 2nd 2024. Learn more and apply here.

  • The ACLS Digital Justice Grant program is designed to promote and provide resources for projects at various stages of development that diversify the digital domain, advance justice and equity in digital scholarly practice, and/or contribute to public understanding of racial and social justice issues.  This program supports digital projects across the humanities and interpretative social sciences that critically engage with the interests and histories of people of color and other historically marginalized communities through the ethical use of digital tools and methods. The program offers two kinds of grants: Digital Justice Seed Grants for projects at early stages of development; and Digital Justice Development Grants for projects that have advanced beyond the start-up or early phases of development. The application deadline is December 3, 2024, 9:00 PM EST. Learn more and apply here.

  • The BIPOC ED Coalition is accepting applications for their One-Month Sabbatical Grant to support BIPOC nonprofit leaders in Washington State with one-month sabbaticals that allow them to step back from the exhaustion of work and re-connect with their own vitality and balance. There are two sabbatical awards: Individual Sabbatical Expenses for the Leader with $5,000 in unrestricted funding for the leader to use for their health and wellbeing or Organizational and Leadership Support with $3,000 to cover administrative and organizational support costs related to the sabbatical. The deadline to apply is December 15, 2024. Learn more and apply here.

Rolling Deadlines

Last Updated: September 21, 2024

  • The Trans Health Legal Fund provides resources for trans people facing investigation, arrest or prosecution for seeking healthcare.

  • The Repro Legal Defense Fund provides bail and ongoing legal expenses for people criminalized for abortion (self-managed abortion, in-clinic abortion, or at-home abortion) pregnancy loss such as stillbirths or miscarriages, allegation of drug use during pregnancy, and people who are criminalized for supporting others. Apply here for help with fees and expenses for your case.

  • The Southwest Virginia Trans Wellness Fund makes direct payments to trans people living in Southwest Virginia to support costs related to transition-related expenses and/or basic needs such as rent and bills. This is a quarterly fund. Applications open each year on January 1, April 1, July 1, and October 1, and close on March 31, June 30, September 30, and December 31, respectively. Learn more and apply here.

  • Dem Bois Inc. curates care packages with basic essential items to help take care of trans men of color personal care and hygiene needs. Each care package contains over 18 personal care items (socks, toothpaste, toothbrush, soap, lotion, tissue, towels, etcetera). Learn more and request a care package here.

  • DR DHT offers Gender Affirming Surgery Grants to trans, non-binary, & GNC people in need of funding. This includes top surgery, bottom surgery and other gender related procedures. Currently their grants are $300 each. Learn more and apply here.

  • Black Trans Travel Fund offers Black trans women based in the United States financial support to purchase an airline ticket, pay for TSA Pre-Check, to purchase a passport, or renew a passport. Learn more and how to apply here.

  • The Black & Brown Podcast Collective supports emerging podcasters and content creators of color by providing micro grants to further support the growth of their podcasts and content. Applicants must be a member to apply, but memberships are free.

  • The Iowa Trans Mutual Aid Fund applications are open during the first week of the month.

  • The Roddenberry Catalyst Fund makes grants between $2,500–$15,000 to anyone, anywhere in the world who has an early-stage idea or project that addresses pressing global challenges. Eligible candidates for the Catalyst Fund may be individuals, teams of individuals, non-profit organizations, or social enterprises and will receive funding of up to $15,000. Applications are accepted year-round. Learn more and apply here.

  • TRUTH is a youth-led program for trans, non-binary, and gender- nonconforming young people to build public understanding, empathy, and a movement for liberation through storytelling and media organizing. Applications are now open for trans youth, ages 13-18 and all council members are eligible for an educational award each quarter of $300, totaling $900 a year. Learn more and apply here.

  • The Roses Youth Council is for trans and GNC gurls of color to build sisterhood with other trans girls built by and for trans girls! The councile will work as a team to strengthen organizing and leadership skills while holding important conversations about the experiences and demands of our community. Applications are now open for trans youth, ages 14-18 and all council members are eligible for an educational award each quarter of $300, totaling $900 a year. Learn more and apply here.

  • Cookies U Humboldt offers free, hands-on cannabis training for those who have been historically marginalized and negatively impacted by the War on Drugs. Onsite housing and transportation to participate will be included for those selected. There will also be the opportunity to apply for rent assistance to cover some of your expenses at home while you're away. Learn more about eligibility requirements and apply here.

  • Stimpunks Foundation offers mutual aid and human-centered learning for neurodivergent and disabled people. Each month, they issue 4 mutual aid grants of US$500 each to fellow neurodivergent and disabled people. These grants cover anything you need for your welfare and survival. They also offer creator grants to help fund your art, advocacy, or research. These are US$3,000 grants offered to neurodivergent and disabled creators. You can apply for both a creator grant and a mutual aid grant. Learn more and apply here.

  • Barn Raiser is seeking proposals for their upcoming series of arts and culture stories “Reimagining Rural Cartographies.” Stories (including creative nonfiction, reported stories, and photo essays) will explore the work of artists, environmental stewards, community organizers and artistic and social justice movements informing Midwestern creativity and social change, with a focus on reimagined or nontraditional forms of cartography and mapping. Each project comes with a $1,000 stipend. Projects will be accepted on a rolling basis. Learn more and apply here.

  • Trans Aid Nashville provides financial assistance to transgender, nonbinary, and gender diverse individuals residing in Davidson County. Learn more and apply for assistance here.

  • The North Texas TRANSportation Network provides travel grants to North Texas families seeking out-of-state health care for trans and gender-diverse minors.

  • Sex Workers Educating & Empowering Texans has a 2024 Emergency Relief Assistance Application for sex workers in Austin TX. Learn more and submit a request here.

  • The Welcome Project PA (WPPA) can provide a limited number of short-term and immediate assistance for transgender and gender nonconforming folks or the parents of trans kids in need who reside within Greater Philadelphia, PA. WPPA can provide one-time rapid response micro grants that are designed to help people with medical expenses, groceries, housing costs, and transportation/utilities. Learn more and submit a request here.

  • Max’s Emergency Relief & Resource Fund is a one-time grant of between $500 and $1000 to assist self-employed artists who have a steady work history, but who are experiencing a temporary financial set back. MKCP assistance is designed to resolve this short term crisis, whatever it may be, and the applicant will again gain employment in the near future. Individuals seeking assistance must be residents of New York State, but exceptions are made in some cases if applicant was affiliated with Max’s Kansas City. The deadline is ongoing. Learn more and apply here.

  • The Welcome Project PA (WPPA) is seeking transgender, nonbinary, and intersex individuals to join their Healthcare Best Practices Cohort. Cohort members have paid opportunities to be part of panels to discuss affirming healthcare with medical students, nurses, and doctors. In addition to their panel programs, there are opportunities to be interviewed as part of a documentary film that follows this movement to improve healthcare outcomes for trans and nonbinary folx. Participants can be anywhere in Greater Philly or farther away for their virtual program. Learn more about the program here.

  • HCAI provides free chest binders to LGBTQ+ youth and ships throughout the US and Puerto Rico. Request a binder from them here.

  • The Los Angeles Young Adult Emergency Relief Fund is an unrestricted grantmaking program for disabled and historically underrepresented young adults pursuing careers in writing and filmmaking in Los Angeles. The Fund will provide $500 grants to 18-25 year old disabled writers and filmmakers experiencing financial hardship. Learn more and apply here.

  • ARTNOIR’s The Jar of Love Fund is a microgrant initiative intended to provide relief for artists, curators, and cultural producers of color. Applications are open to all those 18 years or older working within the arts, living in all fifty states, territories and Tribal Nations. Learn more and apply here.

  • The Institute for Research on Male Supremacism (IRMS) is offering a few stipends of $1000 to support participation from trans and cis women of color, trans men of color, and nonbinary people of color in their fellowship and mentorship programs. Fellow and mentee applications for this stipend will be accepted until December 17, 2024. Learn more and apply here.

  • The 2024 Association for Queer Anthropology (AQA) Fellowships, offering general and unqualified support for scholars and students in the United States to continue practicing queer anthropology, will award five grants of up to $400 each to support members of the AQA community. Learn more and apply here.

  • MaskBloc Long Beach is accepting requests for free masks and test for QTPOC and disabled folks based in the Long Beach area. Learn more and submit a request here.

  • MaskBloc Waterloo has open applications to request free Personal Protective Equipment (respirator masks, rapid tests, etc) from Mask Bloc Waterloo Region (Canada). Learn more and submit a request here.

  • FCA offers immediate, project-based emergency grants to visual and performing artists living and working in the U.S. and abroad who have sudden, unanticipated opportunities to present their work to the public or incur unexpected or unbudgeted expenses for projects close to completing with committed exhibition or performance dates. Learn more and apply here.

  • Austin Creative Alliance is accepting applications for their Artists Emergency Fund, offering immediate assistance for individual artists and their families in Greater Austin. Cultural sector workers based in Greater Austin facing verifiable and immediate housing, food or healthcare insecurity (including travel, lodging and procedure expenses related to reproductive care) may apply for up to $1000 in unrestricted funds. Learn more and apply here.

  • Intransitive has multiple support funds available for Trans & Two Spirit people living in Arkansas facing emergency situations. The Brayla Stone Microgrant supports Black Transgender women and girls living in Arkansas with rent assistance, utilities, temporary emergency housing, groceries, medical expense & transportation. Additional microgrants include a fund for trans immigrants, fund for trans youth, fund for incarcerated trans siblings, and a general fund for trans, gnc, non-binary, and two spirit Arkansans.

  • The Transdolescent Fund supports Trans and Two Spirit adolescents (Trans youth and Two Spirit youth) living in Arkansas who need access to gender affirming gear. Learn more and submit a request here.

  • BIPOC Therapy Fund is accepting applications for folks currently impacted by the crisis in Palestine and need financial assistance to access therapy services. They are prioritizing Palestinians and folks with family and loved ones in Palestine. Activists, care workers, folks with roots in the SWANA region (South West Asia North Africa), and BIPOC Muslim, Jewish, Christian allies personally impacted can reach out to care@mentalhealthliberation.org to receive support. Please note: If you are not currently impacted by the crisis in Palestine, sign up for their newsletter to be notified when the next BIPOC Therapy Fund application cycle opens up.

  • Trans Resistance Network provides resources for those families and individuals who are relocating to a safer state as a consequence of state laws against gender diverse people, criminalization of gender affirming care, or lack of community safety due to one’s gender identity and expression. Requests for relocation support can be submitted here.

  • The Black Trans Women Inc Sister’s Keeper program provides emergency assistance to trans women in the United States to help cover unexpected emergency needs such as groceries, shelter, safe transportation and phone/utility expenses. Learn more and apply here.

  • Black Trans Wellness Fund is now open for Black trans people in Philadelphia. 10 grantees will be selected each month to receive $250.00 by check or Cash app. This is a rolling application that will be opened at the beginning of the month for a week. Learn more and apply here.

  • The Black Trans Wellness Fund recently reopened to support Black trans people residing in Philadelphia. The fund committee will select 10 grantees each month to receive $250.00 by check or Cash App. This is a rolling application that will be opened at the beginning of the month for a week. Learn more and apply here.

  • The FREE STEM Fund offers up to 50,000 EUR in funding for initiatives and projects in the Global South from registered and unregistered initiatives, groups, collectives, and organisations focused on the rights of girls, women, transgender and non-binary people and STEM. Learn more and apply here.

  • Emergent Fund is a rolling, monthly rapid response and emergent organizing grant for movement and frontline communities responding to urgent and specific unanticipated crises or opportunities to build power. Applications are due every third Thursday each month. Learn more and apply here.

  • Black Trans Men Inc. is offering a grant of up to $1000 to assist with the financial obligation for undergoing elective gender affirming top surgery for Black and African American trans men. Learn more and submit a Gender Affirming Surgery Financial Assistance Application here.

  • Social Impact Labs awards $1,000 to support community projects. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis and remain eligible for six months. Apply by the end of a given month to be considered for the following month’s award. Learn more and apply here.

  • The Black Journalists Therapy Relief Fund (BJTRF) provides assistance for Black journalists facing financial hardship who are unable to pay for mental health support. Learn more and apply for funding here.

Gender Affirming Resources and Networks

Last Updated: September 20, 2024

  • The Trans‍+ Therapy Library is the world’s largest free mental health resource created by and for the trans+ community

  • Stay Gold Garments is a free and open closet for transgender people based in the US.

  • Empower Work has a free, confidential text line that focuses on improving well-being for historically marginalized workers through coaching and resources that support increased confidence, clarity, agency, empowerment, and economic security – all rooted in equity.

  • SPARK has a Social Purpose Action Resource Kit. Their platform is a vetted hub of resources made by and for changemakers launching social impact initiatives across the U.S.

  • CultivArt is a free online resource hub for arts leaders of color.

  • GATE Learning Hub provides open-access courses designed to provide capacity-building training for trans, gender diverse and intersex organizations across the globe.

  • The People’s Solidarity Hub is a central hub for activists and organizers to build collective power.

  • The Black & Brown Podcast Collective supports emerging podcasters and content creators of color by providing micro grants to further support the growth of their podcasts and content. Applicants must be a member to apply, but memberships are free.

  • For All Things Digital has a list of resource-based organizations for Black businesses.

  • Frontline Doulas has a directory for BIPOC doulas and birthworkers based in California. Learn more and sign up here.

  • PDX Queer / Death Directory is an evolving list of queer death (and grief!) care workers and organizations.

  • CT Grapevine is a workplace journal for all workplaces in Connecticut. The platform offers a space for folks to anonymously report workplaces based in Connecticut and provides resources to help folks fight back against their mistreatment or find support for any stress or issues that they might be facing because of their jobs.

  • Tight Lipped is a grassroots advocacy organization by and for people with chronic vulvovaginal and pelvic pain conditions. They have a resource list to support folks looking for support in finding providers, mental health resources, supplemental healthcare resources, and more.

  • Gender Dynamix is the first registered Africa-based public benefit organisation to focus solely on trans and gender diverse communities.

  • Queer in Post, aka QUIP, is a space for 2SLGBTQIA+, non-binary, and gender diverse creatives in film and television post production to network, share stories, and develop opportunities for advocacy in the industry. QUIP recently launched a talent hub and job board. This free-to-use hub allows freelance film and television industry professionals to find and hire post production talent.

  • Unrestricted Funds is a grant database for cultural producers and organizations, prioritizing BIPOC and LGBTQIA+ grant seekers and unrestricted funding.

  • Trans Empowerment Project has a variety of digital communities for 2TIGE leaders and organizers, influencers, and mentors and mentees to connect.

  • The American Trans Resource Hub provides transgender individuals with resources for their social, medical and/or legal transition and offers direct assistance with housing instability, loss of employment, and lack of health insurance.

  • Trans Queer Fund Kenya organizes mutual aid and relief funds for trans and queer Kenyans.

  • Savvy Cooperative offers gigs to compensate patients or caregivers to provide their insights and lived experiences to organizations to help shape products and services.

  • Everywhere is Queer is a public resource (and ever-growing searchable map) created for the LGBTQIA2S+ and ally community to find welcoming, queer-owned spaces to shop, connect, eat, learn, and grow all over the world. Their app is available to download on iOS or Android for free to search their map and learn about queer-owned businesses to visit and/or work with via their job board (also available through the app).

  • Prevention Meets Fashion (PMF) Sex Education Program provides comprehensive sex education to Black, Indigenous, People of Color, LGBTQ+, and non-binary communities. Their programming is currently offering free HIV self-testing and COVID at-home and narcan kits. Learn more about these free offerings here.

  • Sisterly HQ is a digital community that empowers Nigerian women to tell their stories their way, and connects them with opportunities and resources to succeed.

  • Portland Outright provides free chest binders to LGBTQ+ young people in Maine (ages 13 & up).

  • Muslim Alliance for Sexual and Gender Diversity (MASGD) and US Campaign for Palestinian Rights collaborated to build a No Pride in Genocide toolkit with information on how to research your local pride events, call out complicity, and if needed, creatively disrupt.

  • Kuluntu Reproductive Justice Center is an organization committed to eliminating the maternal mortality crisis affecting Black families and the erasure of LGBTQ individuals in birthing spaces by advocating for intersectionality in birthwork. Their website includes a resource hub for Black parents/birthing people, birthworkers, and families supporting pregnant people in support of birth justice.

  • Bela Gaytán is building a comprehensive database of queer folks offering services for hire year-round. To be included in the Pride Month Programming Providers list, complete a form here.

  • Funding Assistance for Gender-Affirming Care Resource List provides nationwide and local funds for transgender and non-binary people needing support with legal name change, hormone affirmation, surgical affirmation, gender affirming clothing, general transition needs, and other financial needs.

  • Autism in Black aims to provide support to black parents who have a child on the spectrum, through educational and advocacy services, and are dedicated to bringing awareness to Autism Spectrum Disorder and reducing the stigma associated with ASD in the black community.

  • Black Liberation-Indigenous Sovereignty (BLIS) Collective’s mission is to spark radical collaboration and narrative alignment between and within Black, Indigenous, and transformative social movements to repair, decolonize, and transform culture. 

  • QueerDoc has a list of organizations funding gender-affirming healthcare for trans folks.

  • Support & Resources for Student Activists for a Free Palestine

  • Emergent Fund compiled a list of movement rapid response and community protection funds and resources for movement builders.

  • NYC People of Color Healing Circle’s energy healing practitioners are offering free private in-person and virtual sessions to Palestinians, non-Palestinian folks impacted by this ongoing genocidal war, frontline organizers, healthcare workers on the ground in Gaza/West Bank, and BIPOCs who organized/participated in rallies here in the USA calling for a ceasefire. Learn more and apply here.

  • FTM Essentials announced their Free Youth Binder Program for folks 24 and under unable to purchase a binder on their own due to financial circumstances. Binders will be sent out quarterly in January, April, July, and October. 

  • Passion and Power shares weekly emails for justice-driven coaches, founders, & entrepreneurs committed to digging deeper than 'diversity' and creating a community space rooted in RADICAL EQUITY and SAFETY for Black, Latine, and queer people.

  • Trans Closet of Hudson Valley builds free surgery care packages for trans, nonbinary, and gender-expansive community members living in the Hudson Valley who are planning on receiving gender-affirming surgeries. They also have a local transgender resource list with local LGBTQ+ centers, emergency funds & aid, housing resources, gender-affirming healthcare, legal services, and more.

  • Rainbow Serpent is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization committed to advancing Black LGBTQ culture through the exploration of emerging technologies, innovative healing protocols, African cosmologies, and multimedia art.

  • African Queer Youth Initiative is a network of youth activists mobilising, supporting and amplifying the voice of LGBTQI+ activists and youths in Africa. Their program, Opportunity Point, is dedicated to helping LGBTIQ+ youth in Africa find opportunities for education, careers, mentorship, and more.

  • charlie amáyá scott has an Indigenous Two-Spirit and LGBTQ+ Artist resource list that people can financially support or follow. If you or if you would like to suggest someone to be considered // added, please email dineaesthetics@gmail.com with the information requested on their website.

  • Queer African Network is a global app for queer people of African heritage to socialize, access queer stories & safe opportunities.

  • The Free Black Women’s Library is a social art project that features a collection of over five thousand books written by Black women and Black non-binary writers, a virtual Reading Club, a weekly book swap, and a wide array of free public programs that happen in their Reading Room.

  • Trans Resistance Network provides resources for those families and individuals who are relocating to a safer state as a consequence of state laws against gender diverse people, criminalization of gender affirming care, or lack of community safety due to one’s gender identity and expression.

  • Alicia Forneret is building a BIPOC Mental Health and Grief resource database, a comprehensive, living digital collection of grief & mental health support resources by & for people of color. To stay tuned for the release, sign up for the PAUSE newsletter here. To offer a resource for the database, submit a listing here.

  • Marsha’s Web is a national business, community, and resource directory for entities that serve the TLGBQIA+ communities while centering BIPOC Transgender, Intersex, and GNC business owners/organizations. Listings from organizations led by Black Trans/GNC business owners can be submitted here.

  • Point of Pride provides free femme shapewear (specially-designed compression underwear/gaffs) to any trans femme person who needs one and cannot afford or safely obtain one. Applications are open year-round. Learn more and apply here.

  • Black Trans Femmes in Art Collective (BTFA)’s Artist/Resource Directory is a living document that allows BTFA to support Black trans femme artists more effectively by connecting them with folks who are looking to support their work. Learn more and sign up for the directory here.

  • Trans Health and Wellness Center provides free mental health therapy, food voucher, rent and mortgage relief in California.

  • The Trans Talent #OpenTo Work Database is a spreadsheet exclusively for transgender people who are open to work.

  • Rooted Respite is an organization striving for a world where all people have the time, space, and support to heal from burnout and other systemic wounds inflicted by capitalism, colonialism, and patriarchy. Learn more about their services and offerings here.

  • Survivor’s Sanctuary is a self guided healing platform created to aid survivors in their healing journeys.

  • ProjectQ offers scholarships to BIPOC queer folks for therapy and support groups.

  • Black Transmen Inc. will award Free New & Gently Used binders for transmen of color in low-income communities through the Brother 2 Brother Health Grant program, designed to support a safe and healthy transition, providing binders to those who are in need, and simply cannot afford to purchase a binder on their own. To help as many people as possible, only one binder, per person, can be awarded in a 12-month cycle. To learn more and request a binder, complete their form here.


5 Funds for Trans and Gender Expansive People